Monday 14 June 2010

Chalok Baan Kao, Koh Tao. 11.06.10.

Our final day of diving started with another morning of theory followed by the written exam. After lunch we did our two concluding dives at twin rocks and three rocks, the first of which had extremely limited visibility and the second much clearer and brighter. Lots of interesting life on both dives though, including blue spotted stingrays, moray eels, titan triggerfish, barracuda, butterfly fish and pufferfish. We were accompanied by Alex, an English girl who recorded the dive for us. Other than Alex and the instructors (Nacho and Matthias) we were the only divers on the boat for the duration of the course and had most of the dive sites to ourselves. Afterwards we had a few beers to conclude the course and intended to join everyone for the opening match of the world cup but a heavy and sustained shower kept us undercover at the resort.

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