Monday 7 June 2010

Bangkok. 02-06-10

After a long sleep, a snack on the hoof while we visited the standing buddha (photos on film only unfortunately) followed by a short visit to a tailor -thanks to our tuk-tuk driver working on a gasoline commission - and a travel agent to confirm our travel arrangements. We stopped for an amazing street lunch in Chinatown while a powerful storm cloud grew overhead. It rose so rapidly it seemed to bend the sky above it to form a silvery halo. We rushed back in a tuk tuk and arrived just as the sky opened - the 30 seconds to the hotel saw us drenched. We watched from the roof of the hotel until the lightning was directly overhead when we took shelter in our room below. Later we took in a legendary Bangkok 'ping pong' show before a late supper people watching on the street.

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