Tuesday 6 July 2010

Kuta/Mataram/Lembar, Lombok / Padangbai/Kuta, Bali. 01.07.10.

Our last morning in our luxury hotel we make the most of the delicious breakfast before driving North to try and catch the ferry to Bali. We stop at a market in the outskirts of Mataram to pick up a couple of young coconuts and some parts for the car which has been shaken to bits by the rough roads. We return the car and taxi to Lembar for the slow ferry to Padangbai, Bali. A tenth of the price of the fast ferries, the public ferry is not frequented by tourists and local sellers board the boat prior to departure offering goods, drinks and snacks at local prices. The five hour journey passes slowly but pleasantly and we spend the evening on the upper deck with just a few jovial locals. We arrive late into Kuta and check into the first place we can find that isn't fully booked. Sleep.

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